Monday, September 13, 2010

Zionism, Christianity, Islam, and the End Times (A Perspective)

DISCLAIMER: The following DOES NOT represent the view of any political or religious group; this is based upon my own beliefs, interpretations, and understandings. I wish not to offend anyone by what I say, I only wish to display the facts and present a view to get people thinking. Everything should be researched individually so you can draw your own conclusion. Lastly, I mention the mainstream views of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in this entry and I know and understand that these views don't necessarily reflect the views of all the tenants of these faiths. Much love to all the workers of peace.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago is recorded as saying:

“I warn you against him; there is no Prophet who has not warned his people against him, even Noah warned his people against him. But I will tell you something which no other Prophet has told his people. You must know that the Dajjal is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed.”

Now most that are reading this blog probably know what the Illuminati is and what they stand for. One of their most known symbols is the “all-seeing eye”, which can also be found suspended above the pyramid on the US Great Seal.

This “all-seeing eye” and many other Illuminati symbols are also seen in many places including churches, television shows and networks (like CBS), in pop culture, in fashion, and in logos (like AOL). Many of these facts and their significance are already known to the reader of this topic so I won't go into great detail about them for the sake of staying on the subject I am trying to address. For those who don't know about the Illuminati, I suggest you check out these documentaries to learn about this malicious group.

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined -

The Arrivals Reloaded - click on playlist and choose "The Arrivals Reloaded (English).

I also have additional videos on this blog Food For Your Brain.

My focus here is on the inner core group of the Illuminati, the Zionists, and their role in pushing the New World Order aka The System of the Anti-Christ/Dajjal. I've come to believe that the NWO and the prophesied system of the Dajjal are one in the same and that Zionists are the agents of this system. Let's start to go over some points of interest.

What Is Zionism?

Zionism is the agenda for a New World Order; an order in which the Zionist Jews are the ruling class in control of the world and all the non-Jews are their slaves. It is under the guise as a political movement solely focused on the building of The State of Israel, but that is only one component. Zionist are already in control of the government, the media, Hollywood, the world banking system, the food industry, and the list goes on! Here are some excerpts taken from RealityBloger – Zionism 101 – The Complete Story. (Note: I highly recommend you visit RealityBloger and read about the complete history of Zionism).

“Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp is the only gentile (non-Jew) holdout. However, Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so.” - The Los Angeles Jewish Times, Oct. 29, 1999. Also, Murdoch’s NewsCorp has Jewish Zionist Peter Chernin as its President and CEO. All of these companies were started originally by Gentiles, and infiltrated incrementally by Rothschild’s Zionists.

“Hollywood is run by Jews – it is owned by Jews! (The Jews have slandered every other racial group) …but are ever so careful to insure that there is never any negative image of the Kike (in the media).” - Marlon Brando, on the Larry King Live show, April 5th 1996, to Larry King. For this, Marlon Brando was labeled “anti-Semitic” and forced to apologize to the Jews running the Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Tourist Center in Los Angeles.

“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…” - Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache

“For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer (Americans and Christians) and enter into selective coalitions that support our agenda.” - Jewish Zionist Stephen Steinlight, former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the most powerful Jewish organization in America.

“We, the Jewish People, Control America” - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Not only do the Zionists already control so much, they feel it is their divine right to do so! They see everyone who isn’t a Jew as inferior.

“Even the best of the non-Jews should all be killed.” - Rabbi Simon ben Yahai, Talmud, Minor Tractates, Soferim 15, Rule 10.

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” - Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, New York Daily News, February 28, 1994, page 6.

“I will confess it; at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist (he was raised in America). Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended a Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland (for American Jews)… I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders; people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves. We were also taught that the lesson of our dark history is that we could rely on no one.” - Jewish Zionist Stephen Steinlight, former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the most powerful Jewish organization in America.

You see, Jews are raised to hold themselves above all others, which willingly or unwillingly pushes the Zionists agenda.

The Messiah

Christians and Muslims believe and know Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. They are both awaiting his return to defeat the Anti-Christ/Dajjal and bring peace throughout the world. Orthodox Jews on the other hand deny that Jesus is the Messiah and are still waiting on their Messiah. In the Jewish view, the Messiah will be a Jew who will return all the Jews to Palestine, bring about worldwide peace, stop war, and be the ruler of the world ruling from Israel.

In Christian and Muslim beliefs, the Anti-Christ/Dajjal will be a man who replicates what the true Messiah, Jesus, is suppose to accomplish when he returns, only his peace will not be peace at all, only a deception. Islam goes a step further and even says he will be of Jewish origin. Here are a few hadiths about the Dajjal.

“The Prophet said, ‘Shall I tell you something about the Dajjal which no Prophet has ever told his people before me? The Dajjal is one-eyed and will bring with him something which will resemble Paradise and Hell; but that which he calls Paradise will in fact be Hell. I warn you against him as Noah warned his people against him.’” (al-Bukhari, Muslim)

“The Prophet said: ‘There will be written between his eyes the word Kafir (unbeliever). Everyone who resents his bad deeds - or every believer- will be able to read it.’”

Christianity’s view of the Anti-Christ holds that he will be a figure that claims divine authority, does all types of counterfeit miracles, and sets himself up to be worshiped.

 Both Christianity and Islam agree that the Anti-Christ/Dajjal will be the greatest of deceivers, deceiving the masses into falsely believing he is the Messiah. Since Orthodox Judaism rejects Jesus as the Messiah and is still waiting on its messiah, the messiah of Orthodox Judaism must be the false messiah, the Anti-Christ/Dajjal. This means Orthodox Judaism supports the system of the Dajjal, Zionism. (Note: This DOES NOT mean every Jew or Orthodox Jew supports Zionism, for there are Jews who don’t i.e. the True-Torah Jews fully reject Zionism. Therefore, I will continue to call those who support Zionism, Zionists, not Jews).

As I mentioned above, the false messiah is to replicate the things the true Messiah, Jesus, is suppose to do, which includes bringing the Jews back to Palestine, establishing a world government to be governed from Palestine, and bring universal peace to the world. So what is Zionism doing? Well, its agenda is to establish a home in Palestine for the Jews (which has been accomplished, the State of Israel), establish the NWO which is a world government which will bring “peace”, and set the State of Israel up as the ruling state of the NWO. The problem here is that Jesus is obviously not in charge of the Zionist movement, so there must be another actor at work; that actor being the Anti-Christ/Dajjal.

The Deceptive World Today

We live in an age today where appearance and reality are opposite of each other. The fact that there are “reality shows” on television is proof of this. The media deceives, the government deceives, and Hollywood deceives. Guess who controls of this? The Zionist! They are also in control of our banking systems, which means they control the money. They use money to oppress the people of the world and they use deception to lead the people astray and keep them asleep from the reality of things. The deception in this world is strong. They even use religion to deceive people and give them false hope. Many sources say that the Anti-Christ/Dajjal would also bring about a universal one world religion for all to follow. Many believe this will be a new religion that is centered on the worship of the Anti-Christ/Dajjal rather than the worship of the True God in heaven, or the rejection of God altogether i.e. atheism. Personally, I don’t agree with that view for I don’t think too many people would reject what they already believe for the worship of some new world leader (but then again, I wouldn’t be surprised). Rather, I believe that the Zionists would work in a more deceptive way as they do with everything else, like the Dajjal offering what looks like Paradise, but really is hellfire. That brings us to our next subtopic…


Christianity plays a major role in the Zionist agenda. Christians claim to be the “followers of Christ”. They believe Jesus was the Messiah (Christ) and they are awaiting his return to defeat the Anti-Christ and bring peace to the world. However, where Christianity is in error at is giving divinity to Jesus. Christianity teaches that Jesus is God and at the same time the Son of God. They actually teach a trinity formula, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Whether this means 1 in 3 or 3 in 1 is up for debate. Regardless, Christianity has gone astray from the declaration “Hear O Israel, The Lord thy God is ONE LORD.”

Most Christians blindly support Israel, calling Israel “God’s chosen”. There are Christians that will put their life on the line to support Israel but wouldn’t even do the same to support the US, their own country. By now, anyone reading this who thinks that the Zionist State in Palestine is Biblical Israel is a mad man! But yet so many Christians support them. (Note: YOU’RE NOT SUPPORTING ISRAEL, YOU’RE SUPPORTING THE ZIONISTS, THE DAJJAL!). It is almost a crime here in America and in the church if you don’t support Israel.

It is amazing how Christianity blindly supports and pushes the Zionist agenda, all while the Zionist themselves condemn Christianity; that’s how you know Zionist are in control of people! Here is what some Zionist have said concerning Christians and Jesus.

“What exactly is so scandalous (about the Talmud)? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement?” - Publishers Weekly, referring to the Talmud.

“Good, I- I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again! I’d f*ing do it again in a second!” Sara Silverman, Jewish Zionist comedian, in stand up routine.

“Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture… (Porn kings are motivated by a Jewish) atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion…”   — Jewish Zionist Professor Nathan Abrams, in the ‘Jewish Intellectual Quarterly’, bragging about the Jewish domination of the porn industry.

To sum it up, Christianity teaches its tenants to worship Jesus as God and to support “God’s people”, Israel. The religion of the Anti-Christ? It would be a religion that not only deceives many into believing it is the truth, but also one that goes against the strict worship of One God for something else, whether it be a man or an idol. Christianity is guilty of both. JESUS NEVER CLAIMED TO BE GOD, but he said I AM THE WAY. The way of Jesus is obedience to God. This was the entirety of Jesus’ message, prefect obedience to the Creator. Jesus taught Islam. I might be hated for saying that but it’s true, and look, they even hated Jesus for his teachings!


Islam teaches sincere worship to the One True God. The word “Islam” is Arabic which means “sincere submission and obedience to God which brings peace.” Everything in a Muslims life revolves around God. Zionist on the other hand are pushing an agenda for the Dajjal, in which Islam conflicts with their agenda. So they demonize Islam to the best of their ability. Most hate speech that is built around Islam is either things that aren’t true at all or terribly misunderstood. It’s hard to criticize Islam with solid facts.

Many (including Christians) support the Zionist by claiming “Islam is a false religion”, but how can this be? How could “submission/obedience to God” be false? Didn’t Christ say to obey the commandments? But it can be pointed out how it’s a FACT that Christianity is a false religion. Christian doctrine is built more off of Paul’s (Apollonius) teachings than Christ’s. Jesus told you to obey the law fully, Paul told you to forsake the law. Jesus said he was the “son of man”, Paul told you Jesus was the “son of God”. Jesus said “if one claims to see me in the desert, don’t believe him for he is a liar”, Paul claims he saw Jesus on the road to Damascus (which is in the desert) and the Christians believe him. Jesus said “I come in my father’s name and you receive me not, but if another comes in his own name you will receive him”, Paul comes in his own name and they do receive him. I could go on and on about Paul’s false teachings compared to the teachings of Jesus but I don’t need to. One can simply look up “mystery religions” and find out Christianity is false. What you will find out is that much of the myths Christianity attributed to Jesus comes from sun worship! It is an insult to Jesus to even call their way Christianity, it should be renamed Pagan Paulism. It is also interesting enough to note that the first form of satanic worship was the worship of the sun. Again, you are wondering what is the false religion of the Anti-Christ? Look at the ones who go to worship on SUNday.

This is why Islam is being attacked, because it is in direct opposition to the NWO agenda. Islamic countries and culture will not tolerate Zionist occupying their lands and will not tolerate any New World Order. The “Old World Order” is obedience to God; the “New World Order” is the rejection of God. Muslims will not tolerate this. The Dajjal continues to do a great job deceiving the masses of the world, including Christians. I know there are Christians that are sincere in their love for God, but they must acknowledge and change the error of their ways, and I believe this is happening. Christianity here in the US is rapidly decreasing while Islam in the US and around the world is rapidly increasing. And it’s not because “Satan’s religion is taking over the world”, Satan has already been in control of the world. I believe it’s because people are hearing God’s call back to Him and the truth, in preparation for the return of the true Messiah, Jesus.


Satan never stopped hating God, his creation, and his followers. Knowing this, it would make logical sense that he would hate Muslims because of their loyalty to God. The Zionists are the ones that fuel the hate propaganda against Muslims, making the world believe that Muslims are your enemy when in reality they’re your ally against the Zionists. This IS NOT excusing terrorist; terrorist are exactly that, terrorist, and do not represent Islam, but the Zionists trick the masses into believing that all Muslims are terrorist or filled with hatred against non-Muslims when this is not the case at all. Zionists are the true terrorist, the biggest example being the continued genocide of the Palestinians by the Zionist government, the less obvious examples being the Zionists infiltrating our lives through the media, government, entertainment, banking, food and whatever else industries you can think of, the Zionists has their filthy hands in all of it! They seek to control every aspect of your life by their influence in your daily life, whether it is from television, to having you worship something false in hopes of a reward. This is the system of the Dajjal, Zionism, and Zionists are the agents of the Dajjal, Jesus said it himself…

“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” - Revelation 2:9

Don’t you get it now? I’ll end it with this, in Isaiah 45:23 God speaking says “I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.” Everyone will have to come into submission/obedience to God, He said it Himself. The world will come into Islam.